The Tehran Foreign Policy Studies Quarterly

The Islamic Republic of Iran's Increase of Power and Regional Influence

Hadi Mohammadi
Political writer and analyst


During the past forty years, since the Iranian Islamic Revolution till today, all the anti-Iranian hostile acts have had a common theoretical background and originated from the United States of America that has put its policies, strategies and initiatives against Iran into action with a realistic rationale. On the other hand, Iran has done its best for internal reinforcement or having an important regional role and balancing the power scale with a justice-seeking realism.

The West Asian region has always been regarded a significant political region and western geopolitical experts have called it the heart of the earth and view it as the key to dominate and control the world. The cultural characteristic of this region is its Islamic origin which got even bolder and more sensitive by the Iranian Islamic Revolution and Iran's independent-seeking approaches and the inspiration this country was for the regional and global nations. The United States' top strategic priorities have always been to guarantee the Zionist Regime's security, make sure of a cheap and safe way to transfer energy sources from the region, guarantee the regional dictatorships' cooperation with the US, manage profitable conflicts which would produce great deal of profits for both US and western countries and deter the opposing countries to maintain an American type of order and paradigm.

Islamic Revolution's values and fundamentals have always been legitimate defense, localization of resistance in the region, forming a resistance and power network, legitimate alliance and cooperation and implementing intelligent strategies in regional transformations which are all power and influence-forming factors of today's Islamic Republic of Iran.


Key words: Islamic Revolution, legitimate defense, resistance, power factors


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